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PRELIMINARY DRAFT -- Static Polar Graverse Model I [SoVOL]

Dedicated to James Burke for challenging my World to discover the Paired Momopole "Static Polar Graverse" Model.
Open Figures list in a separate window for best reader experience.


SoVol Model main assumption: Monopoles are Angular momentum dynamic discrets with South having CCW rotation, and North with CW rotation.

When paired together, they become Static and form the basis of Mass in 134 KeV units.

They also comprise "Half-Electron" particles and Composite Monopoles as described in the text.

Monopoles comprise everything yet remain invisible in one of three paired states:
  1. Static Touching pair: The most common as basis of Mass and Structure
  2. Static Separated pair: The Electric Field of the Hydrogen Ion's Polar Elux chain
  3. Dynamic Separated pair: All photon's have rotating monopole end points

SoVol: Structure of Space as Volume

This paper is about a consistent model of elements that comprise volume of Space as an AETHER.
It is mainly for readers familiar with modern physics concepts like Planck's constant, stable particle masses, mesons, neutrinos, photons, spin and parity.

If not then, imagine a Holodeck in a "Hologram Universe" and these Aether elements are its Pixels and Hardware..

This SPG model reveals many insights, two of which are as follows.

1) Each polar Lepton has two halves and four spin orientations that explain why 720 degrees is needed to complete a full rotation.

2) Proton halves rotating in a South Ferminon Plane CLICK

"The Particle Hunters" by Kirsh and Ne'eman [2nd ed, ISBN:0-521-47686-0] is an excellent resource
as it covers the entire range of modern physics in both a detailed and general manner.

Model uses "cgs units" for all Physics data. Axes, scales and dimensions are only valid for atomic scale downward

Reader's are recommended to first read Neutrino-Theory or refer to the Model differences table.

Space as 2D Static & Dynamic Aether Band columns:

The basis for the model is paired opposite monopoles that form composites that orient as magnetic repulsive layers that inflate space.
Particles are composed of a pair of same pole monopoles that rotate in these repulsive layers resulting in electrical Charge.
Positive charges rotate in the CCW direction while CW rotation produces a negative electrical charge.

Inertia is the force experienced by rotating particles transiting between these planes of magnetic repulsion.

This paper models atomic spatial volume as 8.47... fm Polar Aether layers. Each layer contains adjacent North and South Fermion Planes.

Using 67 KeV NORTH&SOUTH monopoles of dynamic discrete angular momenta, static Composite Monopoles can form using four "Half-Electrons" as the base.
These elements align to form Polar Aether columns via magnetic repulsion.

When Charge is involved, this chiral rotation creates an axial ELUX column that generates an atomic scale Electric field.

Photons can be viewed as a dynamic charge in motion or a Polar chain between the Photon ends of opposite monopoles.

Since dual Fermion Planes define normal particle dynamics, anything that travels in only one of them like Neutrinos, would interact very rarely.

This paper, the first of three papers, describes the SoVOL Graverse Model of the structure of Space as volume.
It has themes of Top-down, Bottom-up and the model in detail.

This Static model reveals the non-dynamical workings of Charge and Acceleration.

It maps closely to the known Universe based on particle physics data and
laws of both 2D and 3D geometry.

You the reader, are asked to make that comparison once you digest this new and unique view
of what is known from Physics and Mathematics.

This is a model of how space works and why it does, based solely on laws of magnetism and geometry.
All of this required no Quarks or Strings.

For an overview of this three part Model, go to the Summary .

 Table of Contents

1. Graverse I    2. Top-Down

3. Bottom-Up    4. Aether Componets

5. Aether Chatacter    6. Model

7. Mass    8. Shells & Magnification

9. Meson Charge Model    10. Photon Model

11. Predictions    12. Summary


Space as an Ocean

Our human scale is inadequate when dealing with either very large or very small scales; especially when outer space or atomic volumes are just part of the way to their seemingly far distant ends.
The nuclear scale is the bottom scale where our protons and neutrons rotate and all matter is based.

Using the vast ocean as a spatial analog brings pressure and size that vary by scale and depth into perspective.

Going from the open Ocean to Water molecules reminds us that each scale has its own features and meanings.
Even when material from other sources is present, clouding the current deep view, the overall presentation brings a clarity to the task of education and completeness.

Just as water's precise scale starts at the atomic scale, this paper's spatial volume begins at the same atomic or angstrom scale.

Volume's discreet nature is also revealed in the constant 22.4-mole ratio of all liquids to gas.

The Monopole scale discussed in this paper begins below the nuclear scale at an unknown depth
and then both meet at the POLAR Planck 'h' scale, which contains a nuclear Fermion Plane between two repulsive magnetic poles.

All sections use a syntax to illustrate the Model's commonallity and connections;

eg. 5SPACE's principles of dimensionality: generic D1, followed by formal D2_area, D3_physical_volume and D4_Time.
The fifth as both dynamic energy(5D) and static particle mass(D5); from the duality of 5D as -E=Mc*-c and D5 as M=E/c*c.


Before actual physical volume structure is discussed, the following text and figures of volume's discrete shapes and ratios are presented,
both for three-dimensional orientation and spatial contents.

Keep in mind a Proton's volume is 'h' scaled at ten to the thirty-ninth power, 10^-39 cubic centimeters!

Volume's range for this paper is defined as the Atomic scale down to nuclear scale,
1.03682 e-8cm to 1 e-13cm, a Height or diameter ratio of 103682.
This range defines the hydrogen ION as P^24 as 72 P^3 volumes series DRON steps.

'P' is the Golden Ratio 1.618... from (Sqrt(5)+1)/2 and 'H' refers to the Height of the dodecaheDRONs;
while 'h' refers to the Planck constant scale. P^3 is the most accurate number given its Sqrt(5) plus two exactness.

H^n+1 has P^3 more volume than H^n, its face areas are P^2 larger and its height is P larger.
H^n+3 has P^9(76~) more volume than H^n, its face areas are P^6(18~) larger and its height is P^3(4.23...) larger.

TOP DOWN: Atomic to Nuclear

The 24 volume nested height sequence has the atomic H^72 DRON at the top , followed
by its interior H^69 DRON, then its interior H^63 DRON, then its interior H^60 DRON,....
down to the H^9, then its interior H^6 DRON, followed by its interior H^3 Bottom DRON.

This last or bottom DRON at the 'h' scale is a Volume QUANTUM that corresponds to photon wavelength.

The bottom
H^3 DRON's interior contains the nuclear scale Fermion Plane of 'h', where Inertial Particle halves can rotate.
This is a special unique SPACE onto itself with its own scales and rules for its transient occupants and contents.

So the simple answer to Space's structure is that atomic Volume consists of paired alternating
South and North Fermion Planes of 8.47... fm height (twice 'h') that form 'scale-local' Polar columns.

The H^72 DRON of the atomic scale would be a column stack of 12237~ of the 8.47 fm dual N/S Fermion layers.
These layers are shown in
2D static and dynamic relief.

Also note that Proton's charge axis provides a polar reference for the entire atomic volume and beyond;
and this is the material we see as solid atoms and molecules.

Table of Contents

BOTTOM UP: 5SPACE to Nuclear Aether scale

Historical experiments have established if an Aether exists, that it has a relative frame,
and its motion cannot be measured .

Once a ubiquitous Aether exists, the energy of "empty space" must then reflect
whatever the aether's energy is; as well as its distribution.

The mass node at N=3 predicted by the 5SPACE Mass model,
based on stable particle mass nodes at (N/2)^5 ; was used to model various configurations.

Investigation of this 3.88 MeV node revealed resonances at 121 KeV and 134 KeV, based on Inverse Cherenkov experiments.

These two values are the same found in the decay of Cobalt-57 to Iron-57,
in the original experiments of Mossbauer spectroscopy.

By assuming the 67 and 255 KeV as the Magnetic Monopole static energy values,
a stable and consistent model of an Aether node emerged by pairing them in the following geometrical manner.

#1. The Aether reference frame has SIX geometrical Axes, arranged in a mutual 60-degree dodecaheDRON manner.
   These DRONs would Tessellate and thus tile the 3D environment of the nuclear-scaled aether.
   Note that the "3/2 Spin" is a result of five axes rotating about the sixth and overlaying each other.

#2. The Theoretical static minimum energy of a Composite Monopole Pair CMP is 3727 KeV [ 2 * ( ( 12 * ( 67 + 67 ) ) + 255 ) ] ;
   which matches the limit reached in the 1995 Inverse Cherenkov experiments at BNL.

   Note that two CMP nodes have 7.5~ MeV of energy, which is also the nuclear fusion limit.

Aether Componets

CM: Composite Monopole structure

A 255 KeV half-electron DRON shaped core is surrounded by an outer shell of twelve 134 KeV mutually touching
North and South Vicky vection Monopoles of 67 KeV each; forming a CM or Composite Monopole.
Two CM's pair to form a CMP while two CMP's form a quad or CMQ which is the basis of the Polar Aether.

CMP is a Composite Monopole Pair while CMQ is a Composite Monopole Quad.

A polar axis through a CMP is illustrated thus:

North pole end ---> [ N67/S67...N255...S67/N67]/[S67/N67...S255...N67/S67 ] ---> South Pole end
"/" represents opposite Monopole contact, "..." are internal spatial gaps, and "[ ]" brackets each CM.

The shape formed is two classic soccer/bucky balls.

Two CMP's or a CMQT form an Aether node as shown.
These nodes form the chain of extended N/S Polar Aether columns.

NOTE: destruction of a CMQ results in the creation of a local electron and positron pair.

Half electron structure

The e/2 or Half-Electron of 255 KeV is the key Aether and matter element/atom
due to its intrinsic rotation "Polar SPIN" and ubiquity.

The CMQT contains four half-electron alternating monopoles, two North, and two South;
their canceling spins stabilize the polar nature of the aether,
and explain the source and commonality of pair production.

The model assumes the size of the half-electron DRON is unique spatially and traps the two 67 KeV
Vection monopoles in a repulsive rotating polar configuration. Additionally, a CMQT can be seen as
halving into two CMP's and being a CMQE that inflats the 'h' scale DRON volume via magnetic repulsion along an axis.

Gubble or Aether Cell

The Aether cells or Gubbles contain one PMF of structural energy in the form of two CMQE's of two axes each.
These tessellate into non-polar columns and allow photon axes to pass via its interior CMQE.

Aether Characteristics

The 7.5 MeV CMQ is the basis for both the Polar Aether columns and the non-polar columns, at the resulting 'h' scale as shown in
static 2D and 3D figures.

From a front-on cross section perspective,an Aetherpolar column" alternate with non-polar ones.
From a axis cross section perspective, each polar column is surrounded by six non-polars columns..

A more detailed view of CMQ elements at different scales.

When rotating particle halves occupy a nuclear Fermion Plane, long range charge alignment results,
making an atomic scale axial spine seen as an ELUX chain".

The method is a centered STATIC column that connects the atomic top and bottom via the ~24474 layers of 'h' Aether nodes between them.

Table of Contents

Mass and Photon Simple model

Assumptions, details provided in relevant sections and figures.

  1. Magnetic Repulsion in the Universal Force of all the Universe; inflating both space and matter's layers
  2. The Model presents only STATIC states of general dynamic particle processes.
  3. Volume from the Atomic scale to the nuclear scale is tiled with six axes, tessellated Polar dodecaheDRONs.
  4. Volume where Uncertainty Principle reigns below the scale of the uiversal 'h' DRON of H^3 = 4.23... fm.
  5. Spatial discrete volume has at least three fixed DRON sizes; the Aether 'h' scale, the smaller half-electron scale and the Atomic electrical scale; all of which are inflated via magnetic forces.
  6. The CMQT axial angular momenta of the four half-electrons maintain each Aether node's shared Polarization.
  7. Electron Pair Production ubiquity validates CMQ composition and Aether foundation of Space.
  8. 5SPACE's index of (3/2)^5 predicts 67 KeV as the monopole mass value; its 1+5+1 sided shape is named 'Vection'.
  9. 67 KeV Monopoles are discrete forms of dynamic angular momentum that become Static and arrested when a North Vection is paired with a South Vection in a Vicky touching configuration and cannot rotate.
  10. Inertial mass of Particles is caused by same pole monopoles rotating in a Fermion Plane bounded by same pole magnetic repulsion. A SF (Strong Force) overcomes the repellant force between the two poles.
  11. The CHARGE Model has two chiral states from the dynamics of inertial monopole angular momentum. A 'Neutral' charge state emerges when particles in two adjacent Fermion Planes, cancel each other's spin.
  12. Charge's sign as the direction of rotation in a polar axis downward sense; which also explains why Parity violations occur; left and right emerge due to there always being a local up and down in a polar nuclear sense.
  13. Elecrical Field of the Atomic scale is manifested or formed by sequential Aether axial nodes called 'ELUX' chains, that connect the two bare opposite atomic pole ends of the static ELUX axial chain.
  14. Photons consist of opposite end monopoles connected by dynamic Polar Aether chains as shown in the model figures.
  15. The Monopole scale lies an unknown range below the 'h' Aether scale which it Inflates.
  16. A Polar Aether has a reversed charge direction sense when viewed in a 180-degree rotation.
  17. Antimatter has two senses; the usual charge inversion and which Fermion Plane in use.
  18. Neutrinos are inertia-less monopoles traveling in only one Fermion Plane rather than in a pair of adjacent planes for normal particles; anti-neutrinos and neutrinos travel in opposite fermion planes.
  19. Strangeness involves monopole occupation in both adjacent Fermion planes.
  20. Kaon decay explained by dual Fermion Plane distribution into halves, quads and early, later.

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Paired monopoles accumulations are the basis of all four types of Mass.
  1. Inertial Mass is caused by composite same monopole pairs as half-particles rotating in Fermion Planes,
  2. Static Mass is the Aether's 7.5 MeV CMQT nodes and surrounding 17.5 MeV Gubble(s).
  3. Structural Mass is the unanchored inertial mass of rotating Neutrino halves.
  4. Dynamic Mass is a temporary increase in mass due to its K.E. state, described in part II: SoMAT.
Two CMQE's of 17.5 MeV value equal the
PMF (Partcle Mass Factor) common to all stable particles.

A PMF is also a natural two-axes-configuration, the CMQE pair inflate local volume by extending to opposite sides via axial CMP magnetic repulsion.
This pair is a two-axes aetheric static mass that inflates all 'h' scale local cell volumes or Gubbles!

Note the outer surface penta-planes are just boundaries of the local dron volume and are not part of the particle.
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PMF Shells and FP Magnification

The normal Pion family in its non-magnified Static Polar Aether setting. CLICK

The Pion figure also uses FP Magnification that skips showing particles rotating in the gap between same pole FP's,
and uses a solid FP to represent an artificial magnified particle rotation environment/figure.

The magnified 8PMF Pion CLICK

Particle shells involve opposite pole interiors and exteriors as shown in the Pion figure above.

Shells are inflated by extended Composite Monopole Quads or CMQE's while collapsed ones inflate the Aether.

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Charge and Neutrinos

The model recognizes four neutrino types. For further details reader's are recommended to read Neutrino-Theory or refer to the Model differences table.
  1. 14PMF Kaon Neutrino
  2. 4PMF Muon Neutrino
  3. 2PMF Electron Neutrino
  4. 1PMF Anchor Neutrino - Charge anchors

Anchor Neutrino

Every Fermion has an Anchor Neutrino that anchors its ELUX Charge axis.
Protons, Electrons and their anti-particle Fermions temporarily spawn Anchor Neutrinos from the normal non-polar aether Gubble of two CMQE's, when an Elux Charge is created.
They are not needed for Strange particles as their adjacent occupied FP anchors the ELUX Charge chain.

The energy of an emitted Anchor Neutrino, just like the other three types, resides in the spin of its two halves.
Each Neutrino retains its PMF structure or internal energy once the parents dual Fermion plane rotation has ceased; however, its local single Fermion plane rotation continues.

These Anchor Neutrinos only appear in Neutron or Beta decay for Momenta parity; normally they revert back to an aether Gubble invisibly when the Charge no longer exists.

Electron Charge Model

A Standard Electron is two North Monopoles spinning in the CW or 'minus' directional sense in a NORTH Fermion Plane; while a South Positron pair would spin in the CCW or 'plus' direction in a SOUTH Fermion Plane.
Each fermion has an Anchor Neutrino that anchors its Charge axis.
Each half-electron Monopole has 255 KeV of moving inertial mass ( 67+121+67 = 255 ) and a repulsive interior that facilates each half's spinning.

Each polar Lepton has two halves and four spin orientations that explain why 720 degrees is needed to complete a full rotation.

Electrons only radiate when they leave their fermion planes; therefore, stable atomic orbits are in the same fermion plane due to their local polar orientation.

Table of Contents

Meson Charge Model

Charge is defined as the Particle's angular momentum manifested as an atomic scale axial static ELUX chain,
whose sign is its direction of rotation. eg. A plus Pion meson is a pair of two CCW
rotating monopoles in adjacent Fermion Planes, that total four halves.

A minus Pion meson is a pair of two CW rotating monopoles in adjacent Fermion Planes.

A neutral pion is comprised of two CCW rotating South monopoles and
two CW rotating North monopoles in adjacent Fermion Planes; which cancel each other's rotation direction.

The magnified 8PMF Pion CLICK
is comprised of two halves of 4PMF's that recombine into a 6PMF Muon and a 2PMF Electron Neutrino.

When a charged Pion decays, the lower 4PMF rotating pair splits into two halves,
with one continuing on in its Fermion Plane as a 2PMF Electron Neutrino,
while the other half splits in two with each joining one of the top 2PMF pairs to reform as two rotating 3PMF half-Muons< The following four images show the sequence of Pion decay.
Decay beginsCLICK
Lower half splitsCLICK
Parts combine; notice pole flip via CMQ ends rotationCLICK
Final productsCLICK

The Muon's 6PMF and the Muon Neutrino's 4PMF exceed the 8PMF the Pion has available!
This would explain the current confusion concerning flavors of Neutrinos.

Using the conservation of momenta principle, the SMpov incorrectly labels the Pion decaying into a Muon Neutrino
rather than an Electron Neutrino of 2PMF.

See Neutrino-Theory for the details of Kaon and Muon decays.

The Pion meson family illustrates all three charge mode possible.
The four CMQE's inflating the magnified Electron Neutrino highlighted. CLICK

Fermion plane magnetic polarity type seen as anti-neutrino vs neutrino inhabitation or confinement.

Strangeness is a combination of adjacent Fermion Plane mechanics and internal orientation offsets;
it and Baryons will be described in detail in the future SoMAT paper.

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Primitive Photon Model

Gubble illustrates a non-polar element being inflated by a static single CMQE as a photon passes.

A Photon's opposite monopole ends are connected by a Polar chain of lamda length Gubble(s).
Since there are two CMQE's in every Gubble, a maximum of two photons can intersect through a Gubble.

Two photons cross in a 3D Aether setting

A Photon is a "DYNAMIC POLAR chain of 'h' units of wavelength" between its opposite monopole rotating ends.

To be absorbed, both ends must connect in an external geometry context, exactly one wavelength apart.
To be reflected, the leading monopole changes direction, pulling the other end along.

As twice 'h' is the minimum possible Aether wavelength, the model also requires the monopole ends
to increase in size to accommodate the ever-larger energy scales possible for high energy photons.

The two photons of neutral pion decay come from combining the two south monopoles and the two north monopoles
together to form two N/S Polar chains as high energy photons whose heavy ends each reflect a fourth of pion as 2PMF of energy.

Table of Contents

Graverse II - SoMAT Predictions

The coming Graverse II model will use this Aether's 'h' scaled media to present a complete model of
Particle structure, given the PMF structural nature of matter within the 'h' scale frame.
  1. Kaon and Omega six axes decay stats illustrated/documented
  2. Half-Muon shape as the core of all half-Baryons
  3. Five Baryon layers: 1st=Muon, 3rd=Proton and Omega=5th
  4. Strangeness as adjacent Fermion Plane orientations and occupations
  5. FPrecip as interior of a Fermion Plane [ a 3D reciprocal space]
  6. Neutron via its internal electron had strangeness of minus zero, to Proton's plus zero strangeness
  7. DodecaheDRON 'h' scaled structure of the FLAT Nucleus template of the Periodic table, illustrated
  8. Zero Point Energy as Aether vibrational LOCAL Noise or 3D geometrical nuclear-scaled frictions
  9. Where and how Kinetic energy is stored explained in graphic static detail
  10. Half Proton as a three layer assembly of 3/muon+12/kaon+12top layer =27/proton or 27 PMF(s)
  11. Adjacent planes explain some decay avenues along with six axes frame and Strange alignments
  12. How Rho meson is a potential Proton-AntiProton template of 11PMF
  13. Aether geometric filtering of Nuclear Isotopes as proof of Aether being the Universal static medium as the Universe travels through it
  14. Polar PAZIMP model as the "Before Graverse's Big Bang" (B^3)
Table of Contents


This first paper I, titled the "Structure Of Space as Volume" (SoVOL) illustrates the Charge and Structure of Leptons and Mesons.

Sovol has three themes in sequence, the first theme is Top-down from the atomic to nuclear 'h' scales of the Hydrogen ion.

The second is Bottom-up, starting from 'h' scale to the 5SPACE Aether node value of (3/2)^5 of 3.88 MeV.

And the third is the details of Models such as Composit Monopoles, half Electrons , Photons, Muons, and Mesons..

The second paper II, titled the "Structure Of Matter from paired Monopoles" (SoMAT), is under construction.

The third paper III, will endeavor to describe the Model Genesis from its Polar PAZIMP or "Plane of Absolute Zero Infinite Monopole Pairs" origin.

A Brane where Gravity and Time do not exist yet, only Magnetism's North and South Monopoles stuck together in a perpetual embrace.

Space does not exist yet either, but there is an external POLAR emptiness, above to the North and below to the South,
in a three-dimensional, pi/2 estimated sense from an external view.
And the thickness of the PAZIN is unknown.

Given the Polar Aether structure that results from the CMP and CMQ elements with the ensuing Fermion Planes,
many previously obscure or unknown phenomena become clear; such as Charge, Inertia, Neutrinos, Strangeness, and nature of an E-Field.

This paper models an Aether of layers as spatial volume. In which, the cause of inertia is shown to be rotating half-particle monopoles transiting Fermion Plane layers.
If Charge is involved, this chiral rotation creates an axial ELUX column that generates an atomic scale Electric field.

Photons can be viewed as dynamic charge in motion or as a polar chain between the opposite monopole ends.

Since dual Fermion Planes(FP) are needed for normal particle motion,
anything that travels in only one of them such as Neutrinos would interact very rarely given how few Strange particles dwell there.
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The calculated Energy of this Aether filled Space

The 1.89~ fm edged Dodecahedron of 4.236 fm width for the 'h' or Planck constant cell has a volume of 52.206~ fm^3.
Its volume contains two CMQE's of 17.5 MeV plus the aether CMQT of 7.5 MeV for an average of 25 MeV static mass.

This averages to 0.479 MeV per fm^3 or 7.67E25 Joules/cm^3; surely a relevant answer to the missing energy of "empty" space in Quantum Physics.
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Dynamic Conclusions

This Static model reveals the dynamic results of Charge and Acceleration.

Electron Pair Production ubiquity validates CMQ composition and Aether foundation of Space.

Origin and cause of the Proton's Electric Field QED documented. Accelerations are achieved through Fermion Plane transit interactions.

This work validates an Aether model from the Kaluza-Klein proof of Einstein's GR for five dimensions of Space-time.

MOND theory affirms Gravity constant is scale dependent as this Graverse Aether model shows.

This model answers he question of where and what Angular Momenta becomes as it dissipates.

See Neutrino-Theory where CLICK Kaon Neutrino decay is illustrated.

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GLOSSARY & Figures

CW & CCW as Clock Wise and Counter-Clock Wise rotation as Charge's sign; from an above view

ZPE Zero Point Energy [of empty space] (s) discrete plurals as in ear(s) vs analog years.

Monopole: Vection shaped dynamic Angular momentum of 67 KeV; vicky paired with an opposite pole for 134 KeV of Static Mass

Polar PAZIMP: "Plane of Absolute Zero Infinite Monopole Pairs" as the 'Before Big Bang' or B^3 model


DRON as a DodecaheDRON: 12 sided, six axes polyhedronCLICK

Atomic scale H^72 DodecaheDRON with middle H^69 DRON.CLICK

Just above the Nuclear scale at the H^3 zone where uncertainty begins, inside of a 'h' Gubble.CLICK

Nuclear scale H^3 DodecaheDRON with a middle Fermion Plane.CLICK

CM: Composite North Monopole @1.9 MeV from twelve 134 Kev Vection pairs that surround a 255 MeV half-electron.CLICK

CMP: Composite Monopole Pair as two 1.9 MeV [pentagons not to scale].CLICK

CMP: An Axial view of a Composite Monopole Pair @3.8 MeV as two CM'sCLICK

CMQ: An Axial view of a Composite Monopole Quad @7.5 MeVCLICK

Scale'd polar cmq vections and quads.CLICK

Gubble: a non-Polar 'h' element as a bubble inflated by magnetic repulsion between the two CMQ's.
Note surface has opposite pole of the replusive interior.CLICK

Static 2D & 3D Aether of Polar magnetic columns of 'h' nodes, compared.CLICK

Gubble: a non-Polar 'h' element as a bubble inflated by magnetic repulsion between the two CMP's of a CMQ.
Note Photon axis transfer alignment facilatation.CLICK

Magnified view of Lepton pair and their Anchor Neutrinos. CLICK

2D Static & Dynamic Aether of 'h' nodes compared.CLICK

3D Static Aether of polar P^3 or 4.236... fm 'h' node columns.CLICK

Charge as ELUX column of polar 'h' alternating nodes.CLICK

Column of 3D Aether polar nodes.CLICK

ELUX: A 3D, one axis sequential chain of alternate Aethernodes that connect both ends of an atomic E-field. CLICK

'h' P^3 = 4.23... fm Planck Constant SCALE as absolute bottom of VOLUME CLICK

The Vection: A 1+5+1 sided shape as 3D cross section!CLICK

Four 67 Vection monopoles total 268 Kev that form two Vicky's that connect CM's into a CMP. CLICK

Positron's four internal spin states CLICK

The Polar 255 KeV Half-electron as two 67 KeV same pole, CW rotating vection monopoles with a 121 KeV repulsive mid-zone.CLICK

Aether Polar Axes cross section perspective from above.CLICK

2D Photon representation CLICK

3D Photon representation of two intersecting photons CLICK

3D Photon representation of a photon of len=6 CLICK

3D Positive Pion with an upward ELUX chain loop.CLICK

3D Neutral Pion with no ELUX chains as spins cancel.CLICK

3D Negative Pion with an downward ELUX chain loop.CLICK

2D Pion Family representation CLICK

SOUTH Fermion Plane: A one fm~ gap between top and bottom CMQ repulsive magnetic fields, where the PROTON Pair revolve in CCW way. CLICK

Table of Contents

Appendix PMF ; "The Particle Mass Factor".
The Statistics of Particle Mass; its common denominator is 17.5 MeV

Particle Muon Pion Kaon Rho  Proton Sigma Lamda Chi Omega
MeV 105.66 139.57 493.7 770 938.27 1189.4 1115 1314.9 1673
/17.5MeV 6~ 8~ 28~ 44~ 54~ 68~ 64~ 76~ 96~
PMF / 2 3 4 14 22 27 34 32 38 48

5SPACE's Particle Mass Table from (N/2)^5

INDEX N Name ____ Electron masses * .511 MeV error % Value______ Notes__________
24 H 248832 127.1~ GeV -1.6% 125.~ GeV LHC Higgs as the upper limit.
22.5 Z 180203 92.08 GeV -1.1% 91.18 GeV Neutral Weak Force Boson
22 W 161051 82.3 GeV -2.4% 80.4 GeV Charged Weak Force Boson
12+ Exotic Matter Zones
11 MAX 5033 2600 MeV +10% ~2860 MeV Baryon Scale volume Limit
10 Omega 3124 1597 MeV +4.6% 1673 MeV Strange = -3
9 Proton 1845.3 943 MeV -0.5% 938.3 MeV Hydrogen
8 K' 1024 523 MeV -0.4% 520.6 MeV K'=(Kaon+Eta)/2
7' Pion 275 140.52 MeV -0.7% 139.6 MeV 243+32=275
6 Empty 243 124 MeV _ Table mid-zone
5' Muon 211 107.82 MeV -2.1% 105.66 MeV 243-32=211
4 PMF 32 16.4 MeV +1% 16.25 MeV Nuclear Particle Mass Factor
3 CMP | ICA 7.6 3.88 MeV -4.8% 3.7 MeV Composit Monopole Pair | Inverse Chrenkov limit
2 Electron 1 .511 MeV 0 .511 MeV Table reference Mass
1 ATOM 1/32 16 Kev -0.122% 15.82~ Smallest monopole Quantum = 67Kev/P^3 .

Table of Contents

LINKS & References

author: RD O'Meara Oak Park, IL.

Email of Author: 'RDo.meara@mister-computer.net'

This WEB page address: "http://mister-computer.net/graverse/SoVOL.htm"

1995 ICA paper at BNL

Primes3D: A Construction Proof of Prime Numbers having a cubic Nature.

JID's SLOPE: The Universal Slope of Volume, both Mathematically and Physically   AKA, the Rydberg constant of 1.0973~!

Short proof of Fermat's FLT: A proof based on power sequences infinite transcendental Logs.


My Real interests are in computer science.
I have spent my career as a cybernetic engineer/designer
who is concerned about the future of our digital data.

Our entire cyber infra-structure lacks "Data Sanity";
especially in the areas of forgery and security, for data and their timestamps.

In that vein, I am seeking venture capital for my NEW multi-Computer
Distributed Kernel SECURITY Architecture or 'DSA' ; based on
Posopip: a 3CPU template that inherently guarantees Trust & Fidelity.

Table of Contents